Monday, November 11, 2019

1635 Days Later

Loss is profound.  

You have suffered a profound loss.  

Did you know the word profound has two meanings?  Deep and intense.  Deep, meaning more philosophical and insightful.  Intense suggesting overpowering, overwhelming, and extreme.

I have experienced the latter, and returning to this blog is my attempt to explore the more insightful parts of grief.  But don’t worry, it won’t totally be a bummer. 

Many things have gone back to normal.  Well, a new normal.  

And many things have turned into misadventures.  New ones.

And some days are a straight up shit show.

But love goes on just like life...
There are good days just like the bad ones...
Hope can always be found just like anguish...

Anyway, I have missed you dear reader.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Precip & Pig & Postcards

The rain.  The rain.  The rain.

 Will it ever end?
 Apparently, no.

Despite the rain, Bobaloo and I went to a party last Saturday.
There was a pig roast.  I'm a vegetarian and tried to avoid eye contact.

Aside from the pig there was music, bubbles, tye-dye, and plenty of tom-foolery.  We had a good time.  Pikes Peak is in the picture below but you can't see it because of the weather.

I started Postcrossing again and forgot how much I missed it.  I got my first postcard with the Eiffel Tower on it yesterday.

À la prochaine!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Front Porch Jam Session

I bought a ukulele from a couple of weeks ago.  I tested my musical talents (ha!) over the weekend.

It was a bit chilly, but that didn't stop me.  I am trying to learn "Hey Jude."

Winky Nik no longer has to wear her cone and is back to being our neighborhood watch.