Thursday, December 20, 2012

We had our first big snow yesterday and it was pretty chilly too.
“Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” -Oscar Wilde
Cut me a break here, I’m trying to get back into the groove.
December is my least favorite month, always has been.  I spend an awful lot of November worrying about December.  Self-fulfilling prophecy or time proven truth?
This December has been nice and there has been a bit of peace to it.  I am happy about my four day Christmas break. 
Coffee sampler pack, a book from my mom, dogs, a pizza oven, Tuba Christmas, movies, Christmas Eve at the bar, and perhaps some snowshoeing.  And hands down the best part, four days with Bobaloo.  Color me lucky, for real. 
I was thinking about one of our first winters together when we were dating.  We went to a lot of coffee shops back then.  One of our favorites, Bob's Java Hut, is still there.  The Mexican Mocha is where it’s at.
More often though, we’d haunt Pandora’s Cup.  It’s not there anymore.  We would order mochas with homemade whipped cream from tattooed baristas, head up to the smoky upstairs by way of the creaky wooden stairs.  We played Word Dojo for hours, pumping dollar after dollar into the Megatouch.   I would read our destiny from the City Pages and smoke Camel Lights.
Bobaloo isn't much of a coffee drinker and isn't so much into video games.  Every weekend for a couple of years, he would sit and drink coffee and play nerdy word games with me.
After, he would put my mittened hand in his and off we’d go with the snow crunching under our feet until the next weekend. 
It was that kind of cold last night. 
Just a memory I don’t want to forget, that’s all.

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