
Hi there!

I'm Jill.  I started blogging back in December of 2008 all because I was feeling a bit silly about rum balls.  This is weird because I don't even like rum balls.  Rum on the other hand?  Rum makes me very happy.  

This blog has morphed from me trying to sort out the junk in my head into me trying to capture the happy goings on in my life.  I still come here sometimes to sort, but mostly kick it happy.

My top three posts are about:
Breakfast, Bloody Marys, & Useless Knowledge

Those three posts are me in a nutshell.

Oh, and I've been known to have some pizzazz.  

Thanks for checkin' out Jillie Side Up.  I am glad you're here.

Hey! We can be Facebook friends

This is a great organization I am a part of.  If you are interested in being a volunteer, check out CTL's website here.
If you find yourself in crisis and need support, text START to 741-741.