Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I was lucky to grow up right next door to a family that had three daughters around the same age as me.  They sort of adopted me as their fourth which was nice because I got stuck with two brothers.

Here's a pic of us at Halloween:

I'm the runty mouse on the left.
My brother and us four girls went trick-or-treating together every year until we became teenagers.  And every single year, Amy (redheaded spiderweb) would trip in front of the same house on the same crack in the sidewalk.  Every single year

When I was about five I was oddly obsessed with tape and destruction (construction) paper.  It was weird, but my parents kept the tape and paper coming because it kept me entertained and quiet for hours.

Around this age my family was introduced to the concept of birthday parties.  I don't think my parents grew up having them so the idea of inviting a bunch of kids over was a bit foreign.  So when I turned five, my parents invited the family next door over for cake and ice cream and they brought me a present.  I tore through the wrapping paper and what had they got me?

A three-pack of Scotch!

I am sure there were some other things too, but the joy of a three-pack all to myself is what I remember.


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